Todas las estatuas que componen la exhibición se exhibieron juntas durante dos exhibiciones completas: una en NorthPark Center en Dallas en 2021 y la otra en la Institución Smithsonian en Washington DC en marzo de 2022. Diez exhibiciones ‘pop-up’ han hecho posible que visitantes adicionales experimenten #IfThenSheCan – The Exhibit. En este momento, se exhibe una exhibicione ‘pop-up’ de 25 estatuas en Pegasus Park en Dallas, TX. Y en 2020, cuando COVID-19 retrasó el lanzamiento de la exhibición completa, IF/THEN® hizo posibles tres ‘pop-ups’ de la exhibición en el Zoológico de Central Park, en Dallas Love Field y en NorthPark Center en Dallas, TX.
From September 25th through October 1st, thirty statues were on display at the Cambridge Science Festival in Cambridge, MA. The Cambridge Science Festival is an annual celebration of science, technology, engineering, art and math. A multifaceted, multicultural event, the festival makes science accessible, interactive and fun, highlighting the impact of STEAM in all of our lives. Throughout the course of the festival, 18 of the women whose statues were part of the pop-up were present and engaged with the community. It was a wonderful success!
Exhibiciones Completas
Smithsonian en Washington D.C
El Smithsonian presentó #IfThenSheCan – The Exhibit en el National Mall y sus alrededores para celebrar el Mes de la Historia de la Mujer y el poder de las mujeres y las niñas en STEM para dar forma a un mundo mejor.
Celebración Nacional de Mujeres Innovadoras STEM
Por primera vez en un escenario nacional, 120 estatuas de mujeres fueron develadas al público el 5 de marzo, dando inicio al festival del Mes del Futuro de la Mujer de un mes de duración con una emocionante programación del Smithsonian para que los visitantes de todas las edades y expresiones de género sueñen en grande y se ven a sí mismos como científicos en formación. Las festividades del fin de semana de apertura incluyeron una oportunidad única de conocer a los embajadores de AAAS IF/THEN durante un Work It! FUTURES Career Day y para disfrutar de actividades inspiradoras para futuros creadores de todas las edades durante un FUTURES Girl Power Family Day.
Las 120 estatuas se colocaron en el edificio Arts + Industries, el castillo Smithsonian, el jardín adyacente Enid A. Haupt, el Museo Nacional del Aire y el Espacio y el Museo Nacional de Historia Natural hasta el 27 de Marzo.
- Washington Post - ¿Tienes un niño con un interés floreciente en STEM? Estos lugares inspirarán el amor por la ciencia.
- TODAY Show - El Smithsonian Honra a las Jugadoras Poderosas en STEM con Estatuas Innovadoras
- CBS Nightly News - La exhibición espera inspirar a las jóvenes a unirse al campo STEM
- People Magazine - El Smithsonian presenta la 'colección más grande' de estatuas femeninas para honrar a los pioneros de STEM en el Mes de la Historia de la Mujer
NorthPark Center in Dallas, TX
El #IfThenSheCan – The Exhibit completo debutó en Dallas, Texas, en NorthPark Center en mayo de 2021 y estuvo en exhibición hasta Octubre de 2021.
Exhibiciones ‘Pop-up'
Cambridge Science Festival

Thirty statues were on display at the Cambridge Science Festival from September 25th through October 1st, 2023.
- Deborah Berebichez - Physicist and Data Scientist
- Wendy Bohon - Geologist and SciComm Specialist
- Afua Bruce - Computer Engineer
- Charita Castro - Social Science Researcher
- Anjali Chadha - Bioengineering Student
- Katy Croff Bell - Ocean Explorer
- Davina P. Durgana - Statistician and Author
- Joyanna Gamble-George - Health Scientist
- Paula Garcia Todd - Pharmaceutical Engineer and Business Leader
- Erika Hamden - Professor of Astrophysics
- Ronda Hamm - Educator & Entomologist
- Victoria Herrmann - Climate Change Researcher, Global Leader
- Chavonda Jacobs-Young - Administrator, USDA Agricultural Research Service
- Lataisia Jones - Neuroscientist
- Kelly Korreck - Astrophysicist
- Cori Lathan - Tech Inventor, Engineer, & Entrepreneur
- Shirley Malcom - Educator, Science Advocate, and Ecologist
- Neha Murad - Biomathematician
- Tiffany Panko - Women's Health Researcher
- Jessie Rack - Ecologist, Environmental Educator & Naturalist
- Ritu Raman - Engineer, Writer, Educator
- Lindsey Rustad - Research Ecologist
- Kimberly Sass - Architectural Job Captain and Professional Goaltender
- Kay Savage - Data Scientist
- Arlyne Simon - Biomedical Engineer & Children's Book Author
- Ciara Sivels - Nuclear Engineer
- Kim Swennen - Senior Software Engineer
- Jessica Taaffe - Global Health Scientist
- Mercedes Taylor - Assistant Professor of Chemistry
- Yamilée Toussaint Beach - Dancer, STEM Educator and Entrepreneur
Pegasus Park

Exhibit statues have prominently lined the entry way to Pegasus Park, Dallas’s unique hub for regional life sciences innovation and social impact since September of 2022.
- Adriana Bailey - Atmospheric Scientist
- Olivia Castellini - STEM Educator and Exhibit Developer
- Heather Chandler - Game Developer
- Minerva Cordero - Mathematician and Dean
- Jordana Dahmen - Research Regulatory Coordinator for Oncology Pharmaceuticals
- Crystal R. Emery - Filmmaker and STEM Educator
- Jessica Esquivel - Particle Physicist
- Jaye Gardiner - Illustrator and Cancer Biologist
- Nicole Jackson - Health Chief Technology Officer
- Aisha K. Lawrey - STEAM Educator and Electrical Engineer
- Kristen Lear - Bat Conservationist
- Adele Luta - Human Spaceflight Innovator
- Amanda Masino - Biologist, Professor and Research Director
- Claire Meaders - Biologist and STEM Educator
- Bea Mendez-Gandica - Program Manager & Founder
- Julie Mirpuri - Neonatologist and Professor
- Myria Perez - Paleontologist, Fossil Preparator
- Ana Maria Porras - Biomedical Engineer and Science Artist
- Megan Prescott - Microbiologist and Science Program Manager
- Jasmine L. Sadler - Dancing Rocket Scientist & STEAM Education Entrepreneur
- Nicole Sharp - Aerospace Engineer
- Jennifer Stimpson - STEM Educator and Innovator
- Danielle Twum - Cancer Immunologist
- Mary Beth Westmoreland - Technology Executive
- Tamlyn Wright - Live Events Production Designer
- Rae Wynn-Grant - Large Carnivore Ecologist
National Institutes of Health Clinical Center
Summer 2023 in Bethesda, MD
- Wendy Bohon - Geologist and SciComm Specialist
- Dana Bolles - Spaceflight Engineer
- Joyanna Gamble-George - Health Scientist
- Chavonda Jacobs-Young - Administrator, USDA Agricultural Research Service
- Lataisia Jones - Neuroscientist
- Aisha Lawrey - STEAM Educator and Electrical Engineer
- Tiffany Panko - Women's Health Researcher
- Ciara Sivels - Nuclear Engineer
- Jessica Taaffe - Global Health Scientist
- Danielle Twum - Cancer Immunologist
Regeneron International Science & Engineering Fair
March 14-19, 2023 in Dallas, TX
- Deborah Berebichez - Physicist and Data Scientist
- Anjali Chadha - Bioengineering Student
- Catie Cuan - Dancer and Roboticist
- Xyla Foxlin - Engineer, Entrepreneur, and Nonprofit Director
- Allison Fundis - Ocean Explorer & Non-profit Executive
- Vanessa Hill - Media Entrepreneur and Researcher
- Magan Lewis - Plant Breeding & Genetics Scientist
- Beata Mierzwa - Molecular Biologist and Artist
- Burçin Mutlu-Pakdil - Astrophysicist
- Arlyne Simon - Biomedical Engineer & Children's Book Author
- Debbie Sterling - Mechanical Engineer & Toy Maker
- Yamilee Toussaint Beach - Dancer, STEM Educator and Entrepreneur
- Rae Wynn-Grant - Large Carnivore Ecologist
- Sam Wynns - Conservation Biologist and Science Educator
Dallas Arboretum

In-person and virtual programs, an exhibit scavenger hunt activity, and sponsored school group visits throughout the fall will bring to life the inspirational stories of the fifty #IfThenSheCan – The Exhibit on display at the Dallas Arboretum from September 9th through December 31st. The statues will be in one of four locations within the Rory Meyer’s Children’s Adventure Garden as indicated below.
Arboretum + GLADE
- Adriana Bailey - Atmospheric Scientist
- Bridget Coughlin - Aquarium CEO and Science Connector
- Catie Cuan - Dancer and Roboticist
- Lekelia (Kiki) Jenkins - Marine Conservation Scientist and Professor
- Shirley Malcom - Educator, Science Advocate, and Ecologist
- Allie K. Miller - Artificial Intelligence Innovator
- Burçin Mutlu-Pakdil - Astrophysicist
- Myria Perez - Paleontologist, Fossil Preparator
- Ashley Podhradsky - Professor, Founder, and Cyber Crime Investigator
- Shyla Raghav - Strategist, Innovator, and Environmental Conservationist
- Ritu Raman - Engineer, Writer, Educator
- Roselin Rosario-Meléndez - Polymer/Formulation Chemist
- Arlyne Simon - Biomedical Engineer & Children's Book Author
- Amber Sparks - Oceanographer, Environmental Scientist and Entrepreneur
- Dorothy Tovar - Microbiologist
- Sarah Wilson - Mechanical Engineer
- Katy Croff Bell - Ocean Explorer
- Greetchen Díaz - Microbiologist and Educator
- Ronda Hamm - Educator & Entomologist
- Victoria Herrmann - Climate Change Researcher, Global Leader
- Erika Kurt - STEM Education Pioneer, Superbug Expert, and Entrepreneur
- Magan Lewis - Plant Breeding & Genetics Scientist
- Beata Edyta Mierzwa - Molecular Biologist and Artist
- Yamina Pressler - Soil Scientist and Educator
- Jessie Rack - Ecologist, Environmental Educator & Naturalist
- Lindsey Rustad - Research Ecologist
- Debbie Sterling - Mechanical Engineer & Toy Maker
- Johanna Varner - Professor and Mammal Biologist
- Jenny Briggs - Fire Scientist and Assistant Dean
- Jess Cramp - Shark Researcher & Conservationist
- Tamar Goulet - Professor and Marine Biologist
- Sydney Hamilton - Aerospace Engineer & Engineering Manager
- Vanessa Hill - Media Entrepreneur and Researcher
- Aisha K. Lawrey - STEAM Educator and Electrical Engineer
- Mercedes Taylor - Assistant Professor of Chemistry
- Yamilée Toussaint Beach - Dancer, STEM Educator and Entrepreneur
- Rae Wynn-Grant - Large Carnivore Ecologist
- Sam Wynns - Conservation Biologst and Science Educator
Arboretum + MOODY OASIS
- Jennifer Adler - Conservation Photographer
- Dana Bolles - Spaceflight Engineer
- Sylvia A. Earle - Marine Biologist, Global Conservationist and Ocean Explorer
- Amy Elliott - Manufacturing Scientist
- Kris Inman - Wildlife Biologist
- Kellyn LaCour-Conant - Restoration Ecologist
- Kristen Lear - Bat Conservationist
- Earyn McGee - PhD Candidate, Herpetologist
- Kimberley R. Miner - Climate Scientist
- Harshini Mukundan - Microbiologist
- Becca Peixotto - Archaeologist
- Adrienne Starks - Scientist, STREAM Educator and Entrepreneur
Perot Museum of Nature and Science

Forty statues will welcome visitors to the Perot Museum of Nature and Science from early October to November 13, 2022.
- Deborah Berebichez - Physicist and Data Scientist
- Wendy Bohon - Geologist and SciComm Specialist
- Afua Bruce - Computer Engineer
- Raychelle Burks - Associate Professor of Chemistry
- Anjali Chadha - Bioengineering Student
- Siobahn Day Grady - Computer and Information Scientist
- Lindsey Dietz - Financial Economist
- Crystal Dilworth - Molecular Neuroscientist
- Davina P. Durgana - Statistician and Author
- Liz Engler-Chiurazzi - Neuroscientist and Research Assistant Professor
- Gracie Ermi - Computer Scientist
- Jessica Fagerstrom - Medical Physicist
- Xyla Foxlin - Engineer, Entrepreneur, and Nonprofit Director
- Miriam Fuchs - Astronomer and Telescope Systems Specialist
- Allison Fundis - Ocean Explorer & Non-profit Executive
- Joyonna Gamble-George - Health Scientist
- Sylvie Garneau-Tsodikova - Professor of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Assistant Dean for Research
- Anamita Guha - Quantum Computing and AI Product Leader
- Erika Hamden - Professor of Astrophysics
- J'Tia Hart - Chief Scientist & Nuclear Engineer
- Chavonda Jacobs-Young - Administrator, USDA Agricultural Research Service
- Lataisia Jones - Neuroscientist
- Tiffany Kelly - Sports Entrepreneur and Data Scientist
- Mitu Khandaker - Video Game Designer and Entrepreneur
- Kelly Korreck - Astrophysicist
- Cori Lathan - Tech Inventor, Engineer, & Entrepreneur
- Janis Louie - Professor of Chemistry
- Neha Murad - Biomathematician
- Karina Popovich - Maker and Entrepeneur
- Samantha Thi Porter - Digital Archaeologist
- Monica Rho - Sports Medicine Doctor and Medical Educator
- Ciara Sivels - Nuclear Engineer
- Ahna Skop - Geneticist, Artist & Visual Communicator
- Chanté Summers - Biotherapeutic Research Scientist
- Kim Swennen - Senior Software Engineer
- Jessica Taaffe - Global Health Scientist
- Helen Tran - Molecular Architect, Polymer Chemistry
- Kirsten Tulchin-Francis - Biomechanist and Bioengineer
- Danielle Twum - Cancer Immunologist
- Maddie Weinstein - Postdoctoral Researcher
One preview pop-up opened in two separate locations at Dallas Love Field from December 10, 2020 until May 9, 2021.

Esta pop-up presentó 15 AAAS IF/THEN® Ambassadors. Diez de las estatuas destacan a mujeres que trabajan en campos relacionados con la aviación o la industria aeroespacial, incluidas astrofísicas, una científica espacial y una técnica de mantenimiento de aviación:
- Adriana Bailey - Atmospheric Scientist
- Charita Castro - Social Science Researcher
- Xyla Foxlin - Engineer, Entrepreneur and Nonprofit Director
- Miriam Fuchs - Telescope Systems Specialist
- Joyonna Gamble-George - Health Scientist
- Erika Hamden - Professor of Astrophysics
- Kelly Korreck - Astrophysicist
- Adele Luta - Scientist and Innovator
- Jenn Makins - STEM Educator and Inventor
- Amanda Masino - Biologist, Professor and Research Director
- Tiffany Panko - Women’s Health Researcher
- Jasmine Sadler - Dancing Rocket Scientist and STEAM Entrepreneur
- Nikki Sereika - Aviation Maintenance Technician
- Nicole Sharp - Aerospace Engineer and Science Communicator
- Mary Beth Westmoreland - Technology Executive
Se exhibieron seis estatuas en el Zoológico de Central Park en la ciudad de Nueva York desde el 17 de agosto de 2020 hasta enero de 2021 en asociación con el Miembro de la Coalición IF/THEN®, Wildlife Conservation Society.

Las seis estatuas exhibidas en la exhibición pop-up del Zoológico de Central Park representaban a todos Las Embajadores de AAAS IF / THEN® que trabajan en la conservación de la vida silvestre:
- Kristine Inman - Wildlife Biologist
- Rae Wynn-Grant - Large Carnivore Ecologist
- Dorothy Tovar - Microbiologist
- Jess Cramp - Shark Researcher and Marine Conservationist
- Earyn McGee - Herpetologist
- Kristen Lear - Bat Conservationist
Otra exhibición pop-up se exhibió en NorthPark Center en Dallas en 2020.

Esta exhibición pop-up presentó 10 estatuas de Embajadores de AAAS IF / THEN®, que representan una variedad de profesiones, incluyendo el médico principal del equipo nacional de fútbol femenino de EEUU, una ingeniera de vuelos espaciales y una química de polímeros:
- Erika Anderson - Reliability Engineer
- Dana Bolles - Spaceflight Engineer
- Raychelle Burks - Professor of Chemistry
- Minerva Cordero - University Dean, Mathematician
- Sydney Hamilton - Structural Design Engineer
- Ronda Hamm - Educator and Entomologist
- Burçin Mutlu-Pakdil - Astrophysicist
- Monica Rho - Sports Medicine Doctor and Medical Educator
- Roselin Rosario-Melendéz - Polymer Chemist
- Chanté Summers - Bio-therapeutic Research Scientist