Uses chemistry to create makeup such as extreme wear lipstick.

"You do not have to find opportunities or answers to your questions alone, reach out to someone you admire or want to learn more about what they do. Most people are willing to share their stories and help others grow. And if after trying you do not like it, it is totally ok." (Seeitbeitstemit. com)
The beauty of STEM! When you think STEM what do you think of? Our #ifthenshecan ambassador Dr. Roselin Rosario-Melendez thinks make-up! A Polymer Chemist by training who is an inventor of a product you could buy in-store today to stay looking flawless. As a Cosmetic Chemist she was one of the inventors of long wearing comfortable lipstick. Being able to invent and put together a product then seeing it on the shelves and people enjoying it is a huge highlight of her job.
More About Roselin