Works to diversify the face of science in mainstream media worldwide.

"Through better communication of science technology engineering and math, we help others better understand themselves and their world so that they can be masters of their own destiny"
#ThisIsWhatAScientistLooksLike. Dr. Crystal Dilworth wants YOU to know that ANYONE can be a scientist! #IfThenSheCanAmbassdor Crystal is a neuroscientist, consultant, and science communicator but she started out as a dancer! Now she works both in front of and behind the camera to highlight the diverse people and ideas that contribute to STEM. You may know her as "Dr. Brain" on CBS's Mission: Unstoppable, you may have seen her in The PHD Movie & The PHD Movie2: Still In Grad School, or you may have watched her TEDxYouth talk, "The Myth of the Scientist". rystal is also a founding board member of The Plenary Co., an arts & education non-profit bringing together art and science to explore current issues and demonstrate that "scientists can be as diverse and multifaceted as the subjects that they study and the questions that they ask" and remind all of us that #ScientistsArePeopleToo.
More About Crystal