Danielle Twum Ph.D.

Danielle Twum Ph.D.

Featured in Pegasus Park

Studies how the immune system works in cancer.

Danielle Twum Ph.D.
Danielle Twum Ph.D.

"You are in competition with nobody but yourself so do not let anyone stress you out."

From Ghana, West Africa, Danielle Twum received her B.A. in Biology from Vassar College where she studied the effects of climate change on coral bleaching. Danielle received her PhD in Cancer Immunology from the University at Buffalo where she studied the immunology of breast cancer metastasis. Dr. Twum is a AAAS IF/THEN Ambassador, an initiative aimed at increasing visibility of women in STEM as role models for young girls. If she is not reading, you'll find Dr. Twum enjoying Indian and Korean food, having a dance party to some old school Kpop or getting lost in the wormhole that is the BBC Earth YouTube channel.

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