Teaches kids how to apply knowledge, bringing mathematics and other subjects to life, and coached winning team in NASA's Human Exploration Rover Challenge.

"I have a sign that hangs over a door in our design space for the students to see that says 'the only place success comes before work is in the dictionary.'" (Voyage Dallas)
Work hard, play hard. Jenn Makin is director of STEM education at Parish Episcopal School. She teaches kids how to apply knowledge, bringing mathematics and other subjects to life. She teaches engineering education, robotics, and other innovating maker education subjects. She hopes to show kids it is okay to fail before succeeding. As Director of STEM Education she collaborated with administration to set the 30,000 ft. vision for the program so that it aligns with the mission and vision of the school. She, alongside teachers Dave Cribbs and Fallon Ahearn co-coached rover teams to win the Neil Armstrong Award 4 times and received the Best Report Award 5 times.
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